How To Apply

Below is a link to our Pastor, Church, and Community Profiles. Please take time to prayerfully review this document and send a résumé and list of references to

 Pastor Search Process.

We believe that this process starts with prayer. We have prepared a prayer guide for the church. Download it below and continue to pray for us and for who God is calling to be our Pastor.

Our Process

Step One: Church Community Survey

In Process. The Pastor Search Team is evaluating the results from our survey taken in June 2024.

Step Two: Develop Community, Church, and Pastor Profiles


Pastor Search Team Formation Process


Feb. 11-25



Feb. 26 - March 7

In process. Contact all nominated individuals and have them affirm, “I am a regular attendee, a regular giver, a regular servant in our church, and will be regularly available to meet with the 4C Pastor Search Team.”


Opinion Poll

March 10-17 (tentative)

Church members will be asked to give input by selecting 9 names they would love to see on the search team.



March 18-31

The Leadership Team will formulate a 9 member team that is balanced by age, gender, and worship service.



April 3 - Business Meeting 6pm in the Worship Center

The Leadership Team will present the 4C search team to the church for a ballot vote.


Seek Out Interim Pastor

Seek out candidates to fill the pulpit in the interim.

Complete: The Pastor Search Team presented Dr. Todd Still and Dr. Larry Parsley as co-interim pastors.